To succeed, you need so many more skills than you can obtain in an undergraduate or graduate physics classroom. Here are some resources that may be helpful in developing quality writing, mentoring relationships, academic productivity, and so on.
Beyond the technical trickiness of research, many people find advanced, postgraduate education fraught with other difficulties. Some of these include social pressure, anxiety (e.g. impostor syndrome, stereotype threat), and stress. These can be scary and unpleasant to address, but are often the biggest barriers that high-achieving people face.
For example, mindfulness meditation training was enormously helpful to me in addressing anxiety and panic attacks. These resources below can be helpful for a start, but a meditation group and supportive community are also useful.
Gabriela Marques
Research projects: Cross-correlations with CMB lensing, foreground effects on lensing, extra-galactic source based pointing corrections, Wiener-filtering techniques.
Carlos Hervias-Caimapo
Research projects: B-mode measurements, Milky Way polarization foregrounds, extra-galactic source based pointing corrections, mm-wavelength transient sources.
Aditya Rotti
Research projects: Isotropy statistics of the CMB, B-mode foregrounds; clustering of large scale structure. Now at the University of Manchester.
Jan Kratochvil
Research projects: N-body simulations, weak gravitational lensing.
Felipe Maldonado
Research projects: Joint analysis of CMB lensing and large scale structure. PhD 2021.
Victoria Lakey
Research projects: CMB/X-ray background cross-correlations. PhD 2020.
S. Lucas Denny
Research projects: filament models of polarization foregrounds. HI high-velocity clouds. MS 2020.
Brittany Fuzia
Research projects: Stacking analysis of SZ clusters. PhD 2019.
Chika Onubogu
Research projects: power spectrum estimation.
Jacob Strack
Research projects: mapmaking.
Rebecca Van Gelder
Research projects: Transients sources in mm-wave data.