AST4210/5211 (Fall 2008) 


Introductory course for science majors which covers the key aspects

and concepts of modern astronomy and astrophysics including coordinate

systems, instrumentation, our sun and planets, stars and stellar evolution,

binary systems and variable stars, late stages of stellar evolution and

stellar explosions, galaxies, and the evolution of the universe.

Instructor: Peter Hoeflich
Time: 13:25 to 14:15pm, Monday, Wednesdays, Friday @ HCB209
Office Hours: Tuesdays @ 13:30 to 14:30pm

Office: 614 Keen (644-5567)


Recommended Textbook:

B.W. Carroll, D. A. Ostlie, An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics

Addison Wesley, 2007, ISBN 0-8053-0402-9

Prerequisites: MAC2312, PHY 2049C

(please contact instructor if you don't meet the prerequisites)

Remark: This course is equivalent to AST3018/4018/5018 in subsequent semesters

Evaluation of Performance:

There will be one Web based homework every week on Monday at noon. Mini-quizzes will be

administered in class using the PRS units (see We will have one mini-quiz

per week consisting of two to five multiple choice questions. You must bring your PRS

transmitter to every class. Please don't forget to register your PRS using the Backboard

system. The lowest or missed mini-exam (excused or not excused) will be dropped before

calculating the final grade. There will be one midterm-exam, and one final.


The course grade will be based on class mini-quizzes (20%), one mid-term exam (20%), the final

exam (40%), and homework assignments (20%). If you miss the mid-term or final for a

mid-term valid reason, it is your responsibility to arrange the make-up.

Grades: A (85-100%), A- (80-84%), B+ (76-79%), B(71-75%), B- (67-70%), C+ (63-66%),

C (58-62%), C- (54-57%), D+ (50-53%), D ( 46-49%), F(<45%)

Academic Honor Code:
Students are expected to uphold the Academic Honor Code published in he Florida State

University Bulletin and the Student Handbook. The first paragraph reads: The Academic

Honor System of Florida State University is based on the premise that each student has the

responsibility (1) to uphold the highest standards of academicintegrity in the student's own

work, (2) to refuse to tolerate violations of academic integrity in the University community,

and (3) to foster a high sense of integrity and social responsibility on the part of the

University community.

ADA Statement:
Students with disabilities needing academic accommodations should: a) register with and provide

documentation to the Student Disability Resource Center SDRC; b) bring a letter to the instructor

from SDRC indicating that you need academic accommodations. Please do this  during the first

week of class.