For announcements and news, see syllabus on Blackboard
Recommended Textbooks:
Chaisson & McMillan: Astronomy/A Beginner's Guide to the Universe, Publ. Pearson Prentic
(Hall Impey & Hartmann, The Universe Revealed, Publ. Chaisson)
Overheads from Lectures: see Blackboard
Homeworks: see assignments on Blackboard
Evaluation of Performance:
There will be one Web based homework every week for extra credit due on Monday at noon.
Mini-quizzes will be administered in class using the PRS units (see We will have one mini-quiz per week consisting of two to five multiple choice questions. You must bring your PRS transmitter to every class. Please don't forget to register your PRS using the Backboard system. The two lowest or missed mini-exams (excused or not excused) will be dropped before calculating the final grade.
There will be two midterm-exams (10/3 and 11/7), and one final in December 2007.
The course grade will be based on your attendance record (10%), class mini-quizzes (20%), two mid-term exams (20% each), the final exam (30%), and homework assignments (10% extra credit). If you miss a mid-term or final for a valid reason, it is your responsibility to arrange the make-up.
Grades: A (90-100%), A- (88-89%), B+ (86-87%), B(80-85%), B- (78-79%), C+ (76-77%), C (70-75%), C- (68-69%), D+ (66-67%), D ( 60-65%), F(<60%)
Honor Code:
are expected to uphold the Academic Honor Code published in he
Florida State University Bulletin and the Student Handbook. The first
paragraph reads: The Academic Honor System of Florida State
University is based on the premise that each student has the
responsibility (1) to uphold the highest standards of academic
integrity in the student's own work, (2) to refuse to tolerate
violations of academic integrity in the University community, and (3)
to foster a high sense of integrity and social responsibility on the
part of the University community.
with disabilities needing academic accommodations should: a) register
with and provide documentation to the Student Disability Resource
Center SDRC; b) bring a letter to the instructor from SDRC indicating
that you need academic accommodations. Please do this during
the first week of class.