Planetarium Location and Parking

Consult the Campus map and this guide to help you locate the Planetarium and where to park. We recommend you open the map page in a new tab, so you can refer to this page at the same time.



Campus Map


The Planetarium is located in Building 45 (Richards Building, AKA UPL), across the Quad from the Keen Building, in Section B-4:




Parking at FSU can be quite challenging.  We suggest consulting the FSU Parking Services website here:

FSU Parking Services

It shows you on the map where to find visitor parking, how much it costs, and so on.  Per the latest information, buses can still unload visitors directly in front of the planetarium entrance at 1055 Atomic Way.  They should turn from Academic way onto Lot 448 (which is also Atomic Way), and go under the catwalk (it can be done!).  Then they can let visitors out, and follow Atomic Way onto Academic Way, and proceed from there to the bus parking lot at the FSU Visitor Center.

The following site will explain parking costs:

FSU Parking Services

